Protecting your family and home
Life Assurance
Life Assurance is an affordable way to protect your family’s lifestyle and give them a secure future if you’re no longer around. You can choose the level of cover required. If you die, your insurance policy will pay out a lump sum or regular income for the amount you insure yourself for.
Anyone with family and financial obligations shouldn’t think ‘do I need it?’ but rather ‘what kind and how much? Different life insurance policies suit different needs.
Level Term AssuranceDecreasing Term Insurance
Family Income Benefit
Whole of Life Insurance
How much cover is enough?
We will review your current protection and the level of cover required to ensure that your family is protected, and any mortgage balance repaid. We will then make recommendation of the level of cover and the type of cover to meet your individual requirements.
Contact us and we can tailor your life cover to meet your current circumstances.
Critical Illness Protection
Critical illness protection is designed to pay out on diagnosis of a specified critical illness. You may not die from a critical illness but could be unable to work while you recuperate. A lump sum could be used to repay your mortgage at a time where your income could have reduced or stopped altogether depending on your employer sick pay benefits.
This would remove the stress and worry of safeguarding your home at a time you are recovering from your illness.
The number of critical illnesses covered varies depending on the insurer but typically about 30 are covered with the majority of claims being for Cancer, Heart Attack and Stroke. (Aviva “Critical Illness claims at a glance” Ref PT15951 06/2019)
Income Protection
Income protection will provide a monthly income if you are unable to work due to illness or accident. This is usually taken out to to fit with the cover provided by your employer and will normally start once your employers sick pay ends.
We can review the benefits provided by your employer and then tailor the cover required to protect your income to fit with your requirements.
Get in touch to arrange a free review of your family and income protection plans